Community Hub
We believe that it is only when we invest in a whole community that we can expect to have an impact in the lives of its most desperate and needy members. That's why we're working to create a new sense of 'village', a new sense of belonging and interdependency; hubs.
There isn't a blueprint for what a hub looks like or even what it does; they can be different in each location. Some of our hubs have gyms, others cafes and restaurants. They support local business, run FoodBanks and provide debt advice, they run schools and youth groups and they engage with local politicians. A hub responds to the needs of its community and provides a space where every person can feel safe and familiar.
Since 2004 when we began to realise the Oasis Hub vision: to build, restore and transform entire communities, we have now developed dozens of hubs across the UK.
Debt advice - Food bank - Holiday clubs - Youth Clubs
With the support of Britannia Village Hall and other community partners, and the Oasis family, we are developing an Oasis Hub in Silvertown.
Britannia Village Hall is a key partner for our hub, as it sits at the heart of our community, and provides a diverse range of activities and support for everyone in our community – from toddler groups to social and sports activities.
The Britannia Village Hall mission is to REACH people from all the diverse backgrounds in the West Silvertown area, enabling us to live in harmony and unity.
Britannia Village Hall aim to provide excellent services and facilities that will:
Relieve people in need and hardship
Encourage healthy living
Advance life-long learning
Celebrate the arts and our rich cultural and historic heritage
Help to create a vibrant and sustainable social and physical environment
For more details, please email or check their website